With the opening of gyms, beauty salons and pubs, British society is tentatively emerging from lockdown. After months of restrictions, more and more of us are reacquainting ourselves with much-loved aspects of daily life.
How do young people in the UK think we should engage with China in the years ahead? New research from The British Foreign Policy Group has revealed some surprising results.
Earlier in the year, posters and stickers spouting racist messages began appearing in some London tube stations.
The stickers, which used the logo of Extinction Rebellion, the campaign group, implored people to “preserve an endangered species of white Brits”. They described coronavirus as a “cure” to end the “disease” that was mankind.
Extremists are using the pandemic to promote themselves as supporters of the community and spread fake information. Far-right movements are exploiting the coronavirus crisis to push their anti-minority agendas and win new support. A report by Zinc Network, a...
Among the unintended consequences of lockdown has been a rise in online child sexual abuse, as our ECD Margherita Watt recently explained in The Independent.